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Docker and its important commands to manage and maintain
Docker needs a lot of commands to manage and maintain its components, like image, container, network and many more.
Table of contents
- What is docker container and what is K8s Pod
- What are the ways, we can troubleshoot issues related to docker Containers.
- How to delete unused docker resources
- How to know which network does not have any container attached?
- How to move one container from one Host-1 to Host-2
- How to Restore a container from Backup?
- How to ensure the containers are secure?
- What are the best practices of Docker as a Container.
What is docker container and what is K8s Pod
Docker container : It is a runtime instance of docker image, it can be managed and maintained by the docker.
K8s Pods : It is an abstraction in K8s cluster which can have one or more containers within.
What are the ways, we can troubleshoot issues related to docker Containers.
See the logs -
docker logs container_name
See the logs in real time -
docker logs -f container_name
inspect the container -
docker inspect container-id
Get the stats of all container -
docker stats
Docker system information -
docker info
To see the running process in a container -
docker top contaoner-id
How to delete unused docker resources
Image :
List all images - docker images
identify the images which are not in used & delete all un-used
docker image prune
Container :
list all the containers - docker ps
Delete all stopped & unused
containers - docker container prune
Volume : Unused volumes docker volume prune
Network : If there is any custom network, but no containers are attached, that network can be deleted docker network prune
Remove all at once - docker system prune -a
How to know which network does not have any container attached?
It happens many times, we create some custom network in Docker for certain containers to have some isolation, but we forget to delete these networks when we disconnect the container from that network.
So, we need a mechanism to identify if the network has any container attached or not.
docker network ls -q
- The above command would provide the only the
Network ID
because of-q
- The above command would provide the only the
We would need to loop through the network ID and inspect the Shell script to inspect each network and loop through them and identify if any container attached.
If there are no container attached, just delete the network.
We can use some Go Template format like
-f '{{.Containers}} network_id'
More about Go Template for Docker can be found here
# List all networks
for network in $(docker network ls -q); do
# Check if the network has any container
if [ -z "$(docker network inspect -f '{{.Containers}}' $network | grep -v '{}')" ]; then
echo "Removing the network $network which does not have any containers attached."
docker network rm $network
When we inspect a network which does not have any container it has the container block like this
See the output of a network ID which does not have any container and it shows like "Containers": {} macbook@MacBooks-MacBook-Pro docker-K8s-EKS-ECS % docker network inspect 02376bb08dea [ { "Name": "isolate-net", "Id": "02376bb08dea3fe6398ef0cd37122466e9371c9de62d7cd28223018dbe01927d", "Created": "2024-06-18T09:39:13.204904897Z", "Scope": "local", "Driver": "bridge", "EnableIPv6": false, "IPAM": { "Driver": "default", "Options": {}, "Config": [ { "Subnet": "", "Gateway": "" } ] }, "Internal": false, "Attachable": false, "Ingress": false, "ConfigFrom": { "Network": "" }, "ConfigOnly": false, "Containers": {}, "Options": {}, "Labels": {} } ]
If the Go Template
is confusing, we can make the shell script more easier with if condition like this
if ! docker network inspect $network | grep '"Containers": {}'
echo "The network with ID: $network has no containers attached
echo "Deleting the network on: `date`"
docker network rm $network
How to restrict a container to have 1 CPU & 1GB Ram
docker run -d --cpu 1 --memory 1g --name partho-container nginx
In the docker file, what is the difference between run & cmd
: This is used during the container creation and starting the container(starting the machine)cmd
: This runs the commands inside the container once the container is ready (executing ifconfig command inside the machine to know its IP address)
Basic Dockerfile
# Use the official Nginx base image FROM nginx:latest # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html # Copy the content of the current directory to the container COPY . . # Expose port 80 to the host EXPOSE 80 # The default command to run when the container starts CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Dockerfile has to be kept on the same working directory where the source code is
Thats why we use
while building the image.
represents to find the Dockerfile on the current directorydocker build -t partho-image .
Multistage Dockerfile
This is mostly used if there are multiple stages of image creation.
This reduces the image size and so less files and dependencies, so its better for security
# Stage 1: Build
FROM node:16-alpine AS build
# Set the working directory
# Copy the package.json and package-lock.json
COPY package*.json ./
# Install dependencies
RUN npm install
# Copy the rest of the application code
COPY . .
# Build the React application
RUN npm run build
# Stage 2: Run
FROM nginx:alpine
# Copy the built React application from the build stage
COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
# Expose port 80
# Start nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Then create an image using that multistage Dockerfile
docker build -t multi-stage-image .
Using that image, build a container
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name multi-stage-container multi-stage-image
Update the Docker container without Data-loss to a new image
Volume must be mounted on the container, so that the data is persistent on Docker volume
docker run -d --name partho-container -v my-laptop-path:/path/to/container/data partho-image
- > This command is just to show how to mount a system volume to container.inspect the container and check the volume section to know the directory which is mounted to the container
Take a backup of the data
docker run --rm -v my-volume:/volume -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /volume
ordocker run --rm --volumes-from <container> -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar cvfz /backup/backup.tar <container-path>
stop the container
docker stop container-id
Remove old container to avoid any conflict -
docker rm current-container
pull the latest image -
docker pull new-updated-image:latest
Start the new container with new image and old data -
docker run -d --name new-container -v my-volume:/path/to/data new-updated-image:latest
How to move one container from one Host-1 to Host-2
Perform all the above steps like stop, backup the data etc
It can be done manually as well,
- ssh to Host1 and inspect the container and find the path of the volume (
cd /user/data
) and then stop the container- Now, zip the backup folder -
tar cvf backup.tar .
- move the tar file to
2nd Host
, where the container would need to come -scp backup.tar user@Host2:/user/data
-cd /user/data
- extract the backup
tar xvf backup.tar
- Create the new container on Host2 with the previous data
docker run -d --name container2 -v /user/data:/path/to/container/data partho-image:tag
To do that automatically, - we can write a script and do that
How to Restore a container from Backup?
docker run --rm --volumes-from <container> -v $(pwd):/backup busybox sh -c "cd <container-path> && tar xvf /backup/backup.tar --strip 1"
How to ensure the containers are secure?
Get the image which is verified or the official image.
Maintain the underlying host with latest patches and regular updates
Regularly scan the image for any vulnerability -
Tools like
install on your local system -
brew install trivy
# For macTest
trivy image nginx:latest
Review the list of identified vulnerabilities, including severity levels (e.g., CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW).
Update the Dockerfile to use a more recent base image if vulnerabilities are found in the base image.
Enable observability to check the logs and alerts
enable Prometheus to observe and use Grafana to see it visually or some stack like ELK [
elasticSearch Logstash Kibana
]Or we can use docker own command like docker stats, docker top etc
What are the best practices of Docker as a Container.
Use light-weight image to avoid getting any attack and optimze the build and deployment.
Patch the Host and use the latest image for container
Use some orchestration tool like K8s to manage containers at scale and enable the features like LB and Auto Healing etc
Enable resource limit using --cpu --memory etc
Monitor the container health, resource usage(
docker stats
)Enable custom bridge network and keep the containers isolated to prevent any security compromise
Regularly back up the data - use some shell scripts to do that daily
Check the vulnerability test using tools like